New Book Published

The Southwick Society has published a new local history book. Written by Southwick Society chairman, Mary Candy, it explores some of the long-lost places often referred to by locals; Hobden’s Cottage, Hope Cottage, Crab House, the Egg Field, the Indian Temple, the Mystery Towers and more.

Mary said “Living very close to the parish church I was particularly interested in the mysterious Hobden’s Cottage which had somehow managed to leave its front garden wall in the middle of Church Lane and the Indian Temple which had apparently towered over Ivy Lodge at the end of the same road. What was an Indian temple doing, not just in Southwick, but in someone’s back garden? Then there was the Egg Field, Crab House and the pond on Southwick Green; where exactly had they been and what did they look like?”

Drawing on extensive research as well as personal memories of Southwick residents, written records and photographs from the Society’s own archives Mary has pulled together a picture of what these places once looked
like and how they have left their legacy on our town.

One important find was the diary notes of Mr Frank Chandler New, the son of Southwick’s schoolmaster Elisha New. In 1891 the family lived in the School House on the Green. After Elisha’s death they moved to Spring Gardens. Frank was a stationer’s clerk and never married. These reminiscences were obviously never intended for publication, written as they are in note form. They do, however, give us a wonderful insight into the changes taking place in Southwick at the turn of the century. They cover a period between 1895 and 1906 and mainly concern the goings on around the Green; including references to Kingsfield House, Hope Cottage, Lady Wasteney’s Indian temple and the filling in of Southwick’s pond.

Copies cost £5 and may be obtained by telephoning Mary on 01273 596127 or by emailing