Heritage Talks 2023/24

We hold regular meetings at Southwick Community Centre on the second Monday of every month from September to March  at 7.30 pm

Why not come along and join us?

There is a charge of £3.00 to members and £5.00 to non-members

Monday 11th September

Resorting to the Coast:

Sussex Seaside History

 By Geoffrey Mead

Monday 9th October

C. L. R. James in Southwick

 By Dr. Christian Hogsbjerg

Monday 13th November

Chanctonbury Ring:

the story of a Sussex landmark

By Dr. Janet Pennington

Monday 8th January 2024

The Devil’s Dyke Story

 By Chris Horlock

Monday 12th February

A-Z of Worthing

 By Kevin Newman

Monday 11th March

Sussex Roman Villas

 By David Rudling